I’m ready to dream


Since I’m so motivated right now to focus completely on my grappling and to not let insecurities push away my dreams, I’ve been looking at many many quotes on Instagram. The reason why I’m even able to feel like it is possible for me to even think like this is because of my big brother (Hey Maccan 😜) and the inspirational speeches that he provides with whenever we talk.

He pushed me towards watching this documentary called The Secret which I’m currently watching. I’m not even halfway through it but I’m already completely mindblown by it.

In the beginning they said something that I can’t stop thinking about now that I’ve heard it: “thoughts become things”

If I just believe and think and feel that I will get where I want and if I then line myself up in order to receive it, then nothing can stop me.

So I’m just going to give my all now. Well…once my throat isn’t sore anymore that is☺️


Author: viictorialouise

A happy girl with Jiu Jitsu on her mind 24/7

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